We did it again – CrossConsense successfully merges AMOS at Austrian Airlines
After having completed 2 successful merges of AMOS during the last couple of years (at Swiss International Air Lines and Thomson Airways), CrossConsense is happy to announce that we did it again: Austrian Airlines was able to Go Live under a new AMOS surrounding.
Austrian Airlines was able to merge 18 aircraft formerly managed by Tyrolean Technik into their AMOS. The data merger included almost all engineering related data and production data from over 15 years.
Although the implementation is considered to be quite complex it took only 6 months to complete it. Due to the fact that CrossConsense has been supporting AMOS customers for more than 12 years now the support and implementation staff of CrossConsense has reached a high level of experience with AMOS. When Austrian Airlines was looking for a reliable partner who would be able to do this merge their decision in favour of CrossConsense was easily made.
Right now CrossConsense is working on other merges of AMOS and is looking for opportunities to bring in its immense experience of implementing such a comprehensive software like AMOS in a complex MRO environment.