Udo Stapf presenting CROSSMOS on Inmarsat World in Lisbon
On the Inmarsat World Conference which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, beginning of this month, Udo Stapf, CEO of CrossConsense, gave a presentation on the importancy to have a good connection on the aircraft if you are going to implement an electronic techlog like CROSSMOS® in your fleet. The audience, not only existing of aviation interested people but also of Inmarsat Partners and Solution Providers learned that it is possible to store data in the CROSSMOS® client for quite a long time but that it is much more helpful if you can constantly synchronize your electronic logbook with the ground server and your backend system. He also spoke about the development of paper based techlogs in the cockpit. Since paper was invented 200 years before Christ, nothing happened until CROSSMOS® was brought to the market.