CROSSMOS® with new feature: Mobile Maintenance Devices
Hi, my name is Chris and I am working as a maintenance manager. The problem I had working with an ETLB was, that I always needed to use either the master device or the spare device of the aircraft for which I had some work to do. But now, CROSSMOS® has a new feature. Whenever I am walking around in the hangar with my client device having CROSSMOS® installed, I have access to a list of aircraft within the signal range of my WiFi (Remember: It is a legal requirement that the master device with the ETLB stays on board). Now I can connect my device to the aircraft with which I want to start working. After having finished my work on that aircraft I can go to the next AC and start working on this one. It is also ensured that I always have the same software version as the master device so that data can be synchronized easily between the two devices, the ground server and the MRO backend system.
And the same is true for my colleagues from the cabin crew. They can use the client device as a personal device. This makes life much easier for them.