CrossConsense at Aircraft IT Airline & Aerospace MRO & Flight Ops IT Conference in Bangkok
On behalf of CrossConsense, William “Willie” Cecil (member of the FLYHT team) presented digital solutions for the aviation industry including Aircraft Fleet View at the Aircraft Commerce and Aircraft IT Airline & Aerospace MRO & Flight Ops IT Conference in Bangkok in October 2022. In his speech during the MRO /M&E IT Vendor Showcase, Willie not only highlighted the advantages of using the Aircraft Fleet View App as a tool for pilots and airline management to have a quick look on their fleet status. He also pointed out the easiness of implementation of the software. Furthermore Willie also presented other IT solutions provided by CrossConsense like ACSIS (tool for predictive and preventive maintenance), AviationDW (a data warehouse solution especially developed for the aviation industry) and the Approval App (a tool for giving order and/or document approvals without having to log in to AMOS). Willie also presented software and hardware solutions developed by FLYHT like the AFIRS Edge™ (a hardware solution that offers IP connectivity in all phases of flight), FuelSense™ (a fuel management solution), ClearPort™ (a turn management solution), and many more of the Actionable Intelligence Solutions offered by FLYHT.
All those products support airlines to operate more efficiently, more environmentally friendly and are heading into the direction of getting digital in all aspects of operation.
If you are interested in more information about those solutions, just follow the corresponding link or contact