AviationDW - Data Warehouse for the aviation industry

AviationDW – information visualisation made easy

AviationDW is a data warehouse application for the aviation industry developed by by CrossConsense. It is a managed data warehouse, tailor-made for use with your backend system, e.g. AMOS. A data warehouse is a component of traditional business intelligence, allowing the generation of key performance indicators (KPIs) and data analysis based on historical data. AviationDW greatly simplifies KPI creation based on MRO System data. To this end, AviationDW provides easy-to-understand database schemes allowing business end-users to explore data without implementing complex logic.

The application favours the use of existing in-house reporting and visualization tools. Simply connect to AviationDW with common solutions like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, AWS QuickSight or other BI tools to directly benefit from existing knowledge and capabilities.

AviationDW in collaboration with one of the aforementioned BI tools gives you the ability to visualize data in an interactive intuitive way to delve deeper into the data with a targeted approach. Behind the scenes, the AviationDW data transformation jobs are running to prepare raw backend MRO system data for easy access. Whether you are interested in how many valves were replaced in which kind of AC at one special station or you simply need to know the delay duration in minutes for a single station. This data is all in your MRO System but with AviationDW we provide you a product that makes this data easily accessible and analysable.

Connection to your MRO System is as safe as it gets. Data is exported by your MRO System and sent to AviationDW. You can set filters according to your needs and the full control over all data export activity stays with you as our customer.

AviationDW has been developed and will steadily be improved together with Condor Flugdienst GmbH and DC Aviation GmbH which are also the first companies that will use the product. As it is their philosophy, CrossConsense strives to enhance and expand the functionalities of the tool together with its valued customers.

Interested or need more information? Please contact marketing@crossconsense.de

Wizz Air uses Aircraft Fleet View

Wizz Air uses Aircraft Fleet View

Wizz Air signed the contract with CrossConsense concerning the implementation of Aircraft Fleet View (a fleet information tool for airlines). Aircraft Fleet View is a Progressive Web App that gives the user an always up-to-date view on the airline’s fleet status. It indicates AOGs, delays and other important information. It provides the right level of detail to be useful but not crowded with information. At Wizz Air, Aircraft Fleet View will be used by pilots as well as by the management. It is meant for everyone who wants to get a general overview over the status of the fleet. Users who do not have the time or the knowledge to dive deeply into the MRO backend system will be presented with the most important information about their fleet, whether regarding a single aircraft, a range of aircraft or the whole fleet.

Diogo Reu, Senior Manager Digital Maintenance and Partners Management at Wizz says:

“We decided to implement Aircraft Fleet View to allow our teams, in particular Flight Crew to always have the latest status and condition of the Aircraft prior any flight allowing a better preparation.
The app also allows our Operations Control Center to be always aware of any new technical or operational constrain raised due to technical issues with the Aircraft with live information.
Furthermore, the App provides a live status of our fleet which can be checked at any time by the team for a full overview of the Aircraft condition.”

Heiko Holm, Chief Operations Officer at Wizz says:

“We are happy to extend our cooperation with CrossConsense keeping the focus of becoming one of the greenest Airlines in Europe aiming at a full paperless operation and we see the Fleet App as one more step in that direction.”

About Wizz: Wizz Air, the fastest growing and greenest* European low-cost airline, operates a fleet of 134 Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft. A team of dedicated aviation professionals delivers superior service and very low fares, making Wizz Air the preferred choice of 40 million passengers in the financial year F20 ending 31 March 2020. Wizz Air is listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker WIZZ. The company was recently named one of the world’s top ten safest airlines by airlineratings.com, the world’s only safety and product rating agency, and 2020 Airline of the Year by ATW, the most coveted honour an airline or individual can receive, recognizing individuals and organizations that have distinguished themselves through outstanding performance, innovation, and superior service.

*Wizz Air’s carbon-dioxide emissions were the lowest among European airlines in FY2019 (57.2 gr/km/passenger)

If you are interested in testing Aircraft Fleet View, please contact marketing@crossconsense.de. For more information about the product, see our Aircraft Fleet View product information.

Certificate Innovative through research

CrossConsense receives certificate “Innovative through research”

The German Stifterverband honors the activities of CrossConsense GmbH and Co. KG in the area of research and development with the certificate “Innovative through research“.

Since 2014, the Stifterverband has honored researching companies for their special responsibility that they assume for the state and society. Only a very small proportion of the 3.5 million companies in Germany do research – an extremely important group. For 2020/2021 CrossConsense GmbH & Co. KG also belongs to this group of excellent companies. Because only those who research can discover new things and create innovation and growth. With a great team of innovative developers, CrossConsense is doing research and development in the area of modern, easy-to-use apps and products for aviation and other industries.

The Stifterverband was founded in 1920 and now is one of the largest private sponsors of science in Germany. It is the joint initiative of companies and foundations that provides holistic advice, networking and funding in the areas of education, science and innovation.

If you are interested in detailed information about the Stifterverband, please visit their website.

AMOS Hosting by CrossConsense

We host your MRO environment

During difficult times it is especially important to make the right decisions. The current pandemic hits aviation hard. Many of you are currently thinking about how to streamline all aspects of your operations. As your supplier of IT related services in the field of aircraft maintenance, we at CrossConsense are always there for you. You can contact us with any questions going through your head. Currently the trending question is:

‘Can we move our MRO system like AMOS to the cloud?’

What is the cloud? Many are talking about the cloud. And many do not really know, what differentiates ‘the cloud’ from normal ‘hosting’. The big differentiator is that with the cloud you can shift and scale resources. You can move your virtual server instance around between continents at will.

Why would you think of moving your MRO system there? If we ask around, the answer to this is two-fold. One aspect is the thought that it might save money. Another aspect is the idea that it will make administration effortless including difficult administration tasks like scaling and archiving.

Does the cloud deliver on these promises? There are different big cloud providers. No matter if it is Amazon, Google or Microsoft, they all have strong offerings. First off: The cloud is great. We are using cloud services to provide you, our customers, with web applications. These can benefit a lot from cloud hosting. The cloud can be fully utilized to optimize performance for all areas of the world and to scale the services dynamically, keeping the cost of hosting very low.

Sounds like there is a ‘but’? Yes. When it comes to AMOS hosting, we would typically not recommend moving to the cloud. We have experience setting up AMOS environments with cloud providers. And we have concluded that AMOS is too resource hungry to be set-up in the cloud in a cost-effective way. Remember that AMOS is a highly integrated system, basically replacing many small pieces of software by one mighty one. This has many advantages. Think of the way how everything in AMOS is always connected and related information is just a few clicks away. But it means that in the cloud you need a system with a lot of memory, a lot of storage space (with super-fast access times) and a lot of CPU power. And since AMOS is a critical system, you need all of this with proper backup, a stand-by instance and all the guarantees against data-loss you can get. We have found that for some of these parameters, cloud providers cannot match the performance of our systems, no matter the cost. And for the rest, the cost of getting the required service level in the cloud is considerably higher than for our offerings.

What is the CrossConsense way, then? We offer AMOS hosting. We are in this business for more than 20 years. We host your systems on real or virtual machines, depending on your demand. Our server center provides the highest security level and great connectivity into all parts of the world. With us, you have all the benefits of the cloud. You get a fully managed service where you do not have to care about system administration. Backup and availability are taken care of. And our solution will outperform a cloud setup while costing you less!

If you are interested in a non-binding quote for hosting your MRO system, please do not hesitate to contact me: Udo Stapf (marketing@crossconsense.de).

You are interesedt in a general overview over our hosting services? Please have a look on our website on AMOS Hosting (and MRO Hosting in general).

CrossConsense’s Home Stories

The CrossConsense team working remotely

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 17

Christian’s story is our last part of the “home-office stories” by the CrossConsense colleagues. If you followed the stories you saw that we are all trying to make the best out of this situation and you got a good impression why our boss uses to say that he has the best team on this planet. We are optimistic that things will improve during the next couples of months. The aviation industry is ramped up slowly and although our world might never as be as it has been before the pandemic there might be a few lessons that we learned.

#weareallinthistogether #staysafe #stayhealthy


Christians Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 16

Home Office is a new experience, but you get used to it quite fast. It’s a new opportunity for Teamwork and I would like to thank my colleagues for working that well in the “new” way.


Srijan Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 15

I was a bit sceptical in the beginning, working from home might not be as productive and efficient as compared to working at office. But, thanks to the excellent tools, management and colleagues of our company we are working and utilizing the resources very effectively.

I have a bit more time for my hobbies now. Surprisingly, I am able to keep myself organized.

As I am getting comfortable working from home, I also miss the environment of working at office.

I wish everyone to stay healthy and see you soon in person in the near future.


Sneha Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 14

Working from home now seems like the new normal. It has its own negative and positive aspects. The main loss is that I miss meeting my colleagues in person and on the bright side, I now have a lot of spare time for my hobbies. ?

I am also thankful to the management team at CrossConsense for being able to manage everything so well.


Ringaile Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 13

It has been almost two months since we are working from home, and I barely noticed the difference in our productivity, communication and results. I was so happy to see how smoothly we were able to transition into home office and started working without any disruptions.

I am also grateful for the opportunity to have more time to invest in my hobbies and further learning since CrossConsense allows us to take online courses and finally I have time to take them.

I definitely miss my colleagues and I am looking forward to the day we can all work together ?.


Pratik Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 12

Since joining the 7th week of remotely working from home, it has sensed that I gained an expertise by owing the experience. Beginning, I assumed it would discomfort and face many challenges to function from private place. Surprisingly, everything operates very smoothly with tools and tech, the credit and appreciation goes to our Company for setting up such an advanced remote system. With a great support from each and every one of us, we have been successfully providing the services and customer expectations without any compromises. Not to forget that we all are highly energized in our internal meetings.

Working from home, made me flexible to wear comfortable attire and save my travelling time. Overall, it is more productivity professional as well as ample time for discovering my new interest in life. Nevertheless, I miss my colleague’s laughter and fun. I am excited to reunite in person soon.

Brighter side of Pandemic is, we as a team are together and will overcome soon. Stay positive, stay strong, stay healthy and stay safe for now.


Oweis Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 11

Thanks to digitalization, we are able to continue working, develop and communicate as a team during this pandemic disease.

This quarantine lifestyle results in a plenty of spare time for many of us, no 2 hours per day transportation for example, giving us the opportunity to look at the bright side and do the stuff we never had time for. Don’t get bored, keep yourself busy and stay in shape!


Kerimas Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 10

I still work in the office and not in the home office. I practically live around the corner and there are things that are not easy to do remotely, e.g. emptying the mailbox, taking care of plants in the offices.

Although I miss my colleagues on site very much, I am positively surprised about the good cooperation via video conference and e-mail. Especially the team meetings are very efficient online.


Josts Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 9

After 5 weeks, the home office experience works better than expected.

The well performing technical equipment makes communication with colleagues and customers easy and the remote access to customer systems is no problem.

Since we are all asked to wear kind of masks in public to protect from further virus spreading, I’m happy to see everyone’s bare face when attending the team chats. OK, maybe almost everyone’s 🙂

My dog loves home office since there is always someone to pet her. Hope she is not too disappointed when we all go back to our offices and schools one day.


Egzon Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 8

I believe we have been very fortunate that we had a great infrastructure built by the company to deal with all the challenges presented by working from home. We are constantly in touch as a team using our resources and utilising them effectively, also becoming innovative with new ways of working.

Undeniably I miss my colleagues and the day to day interaction, but we have a regular company-wide meeting which includes light-hearted jokes to keep our spirits high in a difficult time naturally we also focus heavily on keeping our customers satisfied and pleased with our support. Overall, on a personal level, my home office has given me more time at home with my young daughter and to be able to explore a new interest.


Patrick Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 7

Home office, something that many have been using for years and many who envy you. Due to short-term improvisation I was also able to take a seat in my home office and, like many others, I am surprised that it works so well – in many regards.

At first it was unfamiliar, and I had a lot of questions about how things could be solved. But thanks to the tools we are provided with, it almost feels like being in the office and tasks are solved and the customer is happy. Only the lack of people is something that I miss – (even if the children are standing next to you) and I already am looking forward to seeing you all again, but also to be at the customer’s site.


Chistopher Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 6

For almost four weeks now we have all been working in our home office. At the beginning it was not easy for me to be torn out of my familiar environment and now to sit at home and work from here. But this challenge has been well mastered by each of us. We wanted to prove ourselves that we, as a team, are able to motivate ourselves even in such situations to work through our workload, that we can support each other despite the spatial separation and that we can satisfy our customers.

I am proud to work together with such great colleagues and I am glad that despite the distance the daily fun is not missed out 😉

I am really looking forward to seeing you all again soon – and not via webcam…


Bjoern Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 5

The last time I left home for the office was around four weeks ago. This does not mean a loss in productivity or progress, though, neither for the work – due to our excellent tools – nor the personal side of life. Now I can finally see what my vacuum robot is up to during the day and I’ve also got time for the daily morning Yoga session.
I wish all of you to stay healthy, and see you (in person ?) on the other side of this.


Home Office Alisa

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 4

In the coming weeks, most of us will have to work remotely. Organizing work in a new environment and creating a working atmosphere at home only seems to be an easy task. Experts advise us to “follow the rituals” and not to be distracted by household chores to work productively from home.

A regular day in a regular office starts with a cup of tea. I try to stay in the usual routine (except for morning traffic. But not to say that I miss it too much).

I wish everyone to stay in good mood at these days and stay healthy.


Axels Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 3

Besides the guy who empties our mailbox, we are pretty much all supporting our customers from the home office. No news to you, I am sure. As you can see, I have quite a comfy space here for myself. I do recommend to put a bit of effort in when it comes to your work environment, it makes a difference!

The main difference when working from home, however, is having a completely different set of co-workers around. In my case there even is one complete freak who wants me to put a leash on him several times per day and walk him around in public. And then there are two really tiny ones who always come by at any time and seek bodily contact. Also this motherly character, overly concerned with my well-being. Totally unprofessional.

So for me, the main lesson of being in the home office is that it does not just give you some flexibility, it also forces you to use it. If you stay hidden in your secret office den for hours at a time, chaos will ensue. It is way more efficient to take a tour after each completed task. Give a pep talk here or there, ruffle some hair, hand out free snacks. Then back to work. Oh, wait, that’s actually similar to the real office, isn’t it?

Now, on top of home office, many of us are also faced with shorter working times (or no work, at all). And no matter if you are affected by the problems outlined above or if you are one of those who live alone and need to fight boredom, let me tell you one thing I believe in: This currently hits pretty hard. A recession may follow. But the world will bounce back from it. Since this is hitting pretty much everyone, and the world is so connected that nations cannot ignore each other, we will all make it back, together. After all, the “real” resources like food and shelter are not scarce. So since this is temporary, use your time wisely and level-up! There are tons of free learning resources available on so many topics. Pick one or two and dig in! This will help you to stay sane and make you be the best you you can be once this is over!

Take care, stay in touch and see you on the other side of Corona!


Udos Home Office

CrossConsense „Home Story“ – Part 2

This actually looks like a 1:1 copy of my „real “office! Well, it is my “real” office as I am one of the few who are not working from home yet. I am very positively surprised how good the communication within the team and with our customers works although we are slightly restricted with our phone system.

It is a weird and challenging situation here and for everybody else on this planet and it needs a lot of flexibility and good crisis management as the situation changes very quickly and management decisions must be taken or changed almost daily.

But an exceptional situation like the current one is also a chance to prove loyalty and solidarity between customers and suppliers.

Staying together in good and in bad times will get us over those crises like in a good marriage.

Please take care of yourself, your colleagues and your beloved ones and stay healthy!


Juttas Home Office

CrossConsense “Home-Story” – Part 1

More than a week ago, when we all from CrossConsense were sent to our “new” home-offices, I had the idea that we should share our thought about working in a home-office. What’s new, what’s better, what’s worse. The good thing is, that at least at my home, it is very quiet. No phone rings (all our internal communication works with Microsoft Teams), no colleagues disturb you directly then, when you had a good idea. But that is also the bad thing. No little chat in the kitchen about something else than work, no lunch breaks together with colleagues.

A lot of you might have read the companions also here on LinkedIn. “How to handle home-office” (to be honest, I hate companions): Get up early (well, I almost get up as early as usual), dress as you would go to the office. Why should I do that? I love to wear my sweatpants at home, and nobody cares.

I would also like to give you an advice: “Stay at home and stay healthy.”

We are still here to support you!

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we at CrossConsense will also take some preventive actions to ensure the health of our employees. Beginning today, a part of our employees will work in home offices.

Which effect does that have for our current customers?

Please send all your ticket inquiries either via email or through our ticketing system. We might temporarily not be available by phone and it makes it easier for us to distribute the workload for the team if inquiries reach us in written form. We have the capability to access customer content remotely so that nothing will really change for you as our customer.

If you have problems outside of our office hours (24/7):

Please do not forget to send your ticket to our hotline email address followed by calling the hotline-number.

Current service level agreements and response times will remain in place and CrossConsense will continue to provide support services as required, but we also ask you to understand that some things might not work perfectly especially in the beginning.

Whenever you have the feeling that something has to be improved, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

How could we help you if you are not yet a customer?

As times are getting more and more difficult and you might face problems in your day-to-day AMOS business, we are here to support you. With a background of more than 20 years of experience in the aviation industry we aim to offer the best services to our business partners regarding AMOS support, Business Intelligence solutions and data migration. Just contact me by email or via LinkedIn to get into discussion.

Regarding the COVID-19 crisis, we are reviewing global updates to ensure our policies stay in-line with the best practices to keep our team and their families safe and healthy and we also wish you and your families to stay healthy.

Kind regards
Udo Stapf